
Friendly Viking's Story

We are the Nordic folk who aren’t known as the feared Vikings. Why is that? Well, simply because we preferred to live in peace and enjoy life. We used our strength to cultivate the purest oats and to make good food, with a good heart.

Made with a good heart

Although Friendly Viking’s oat products are relatively modern products, their outlook on life dates back centuries ago. If you know the Viking Age, you will probably think of the wild conquerors and seafarers. But not all Nordic folks were like that.

Some people preferred to live in peace and enjoy life, and to cultivate the purest oats and to make good food, with a good heart. We inherited the friendly nature of those kind fellas.

So, things haven’t changed much since. Only the fact that nowadays everyone can enjoy the same quality and taste – now in the form of Friendly Viking’s oat products.